• Kathmandu, Nepal

A Proposed Lesson Plan

A Proposed Lesson Plan

Subject: Mathematics Theme/Content/Topic/Lesson: 3D Shapes (Cube and Cuboid) Class/Grade: 3rd Grade Name of the Teacher: D. R. Simkhada No. of Students: 20 No. of Periods: 1 Learning Outcomes: After completion of this lesson the students will be able to: Identify a cube and a cuboid. Find the edges, vertex and faces of cuboid-shaped objects. Create […]

My Understanding of Collaborative and Problem-Solving Approaches to Learning Mathematics

My Understanding of Collaborative and Problem-Solving Approaches to Learning Mathematics

I have almost two decades of Mathematics Textbook and Reference books writing and 3 decades of teaching experience in schools in Nepal. Bringing in the references from these experiences, this paper discusses my experiential understanding of collaborative and problem-solving approaches to learning mathematics. Also, it critically reflects on the learning and teaching practices that I […]