• Kathmandu, Nepal

Learning Theories Propounded by Piaget, Bruner, and Vygotsky

Learning Theories Propounded by Piaget, Bruner, and Vygotsky

Introduction Before enrolling in the graduate programs at Kathmandu University School of Education in Nepal and the M.Ed. program at James Madison University in the USA, my knowledge of learning theories was limited. I was not very familiar with learning theories. Slowly, different learning theories began to hold my attention. In this paper, I have […]

Culturally Relevant Mathematics Teaching

Culturally Relevant Mathematics Teaching

Introduction I studied in a public school located in the village of Nepal. Later, I began teaching mathematics in various private schools. Also, I have been working as a textbook writer for school mathematics. During this period, I have had many experiences that suggest the obstacles faced around mathematics teaching in Nepal. In the following […]

A Proposed Lesson Plan

A Proposed Lesson Plan

Subject: Mathematics Theme/Content/Topic/Lesson: 3D Shapes (Cube and Cuboid) Class/Grade: 3rd Grade Name of the Teacher: D. R. Simkhada No. of Students: 20 No. of Periods: 1 Learning Outcomes: After completion of this lesson the students will be able to: Identify a cube and a cuboid. Find the edges, vertex and faces of cuboid-shaped objects. Create […]